Saturday, April 16, 2016

Science in the Hood: Sunday, April 17th, 11-1 at 4MRMarket

They are at it again!
GWU biology students and their professor will be hosting a bunch of great kids activities.
Science in the Hood: Sunday, April 17th at the Four Mile Run Farmers & Artisans Market (4109 Mt Vernon Avenue) from 11am until 1pm.
Gardening, ecology and evolution activities for kids and adults of all ages at Four Mile Run Park!

Stop by and join the fun in the neighborhood!!
Activity 1: Scavenger Hunt
Activity 2: Heads Up
Activity 3: Adaptation Flash-card game
Activity 4: Basketball recycling, understand different types of recycling
Activity 5: Ecology tag game
Activity 6: Word search puzzle, coloring pages
Activity 7: Water pollution demonstration and activity
Activity 8: Cooking demonstration using the local produce at the farmer's market
Activity 9: Trail Mix Bar
Activity 10: Plant/Sprout group

For more information:

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