The City's "Long Term Vision and Action Plan for the Arlandria Neighborhood" (found here) was adopted by the City Council in May of 2003 called for a number of physical improvements in Arlandria including improvements to the intersections at the old Safeway site:
- Mt. Vernon Avenue and W. Glebe Road
- Mt. Vernon Avenue and W. Reed Ave

The City has contracted with consulting firm Kimley-Horn to conduct an engineering study to develop recommendations for short term and long term improvements to the intersections that will focus on pedestrian safety, improving the geometry of the intersection, driveway access and general intersection efficiency and safety.
As part of this effort, the City and Kimley-Horn are hosting an open house to hear observations, concerns and suggestions from those of you that live and work in the area. We want to hear your thoughts specifically relating to:
- Pedestrian safety (are there particular places that are difficult to cross?)
- Intersection functionality (how do the intersections function? are there particular movements that are difficult at different times of day?)
- Driveway access (are there businesses you visit that are difficult to access?)
We would like to invite you attend an open house:
Wednesday morning, March 25, 2009
Tenants and Workers United
3801 Mt. Vernon Avenue
Alexandria VA 22305
If you are unable to attend the open house, feel free to send an email with your comments to We will be following up this open house with a community meeting later in the spring to present study findings and recommendations.
Your thoughts on these intersections are important to the City and Kimley-Horn as we initiate this study effort. I hope that you will be able to share your observations, concerns and suggestions with us.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at (703) 838-4411x170 or via email at
Would it be considered counterproductive to list "the Arlandria town center that exists on the former Safeway/Datatel site" as a business I'm having trouble accessing due to the geometry of the intersection? Just sayin...
When we come down to looking at solutions, I hope the powers that be review the research before purchasing and installing any traffic calming solutions.
Did you know that crosswalks and radar cameras often INCREASE accident rates? And that speed humps can raise traffic noise and impede emergency vehicles?
There is a website that has links to over a dozen studies on traffic calming - many of which indicate that radar speedcheck signs (also known as driver feedback signs) are really effective at slowing cars - especially around school zones and work zones.
Let's be smart about the decisions we make before we take action.
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